What is Soul?

Merriam-Webster defines it as - the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life. Another dictionary defines it as - Your soul is the part of you that consists of your mind, character, thoughts, and feelings. I agree with both definitions. However, I’d like to focus on Merriam-Webster’s description of the soul being the very essence of who we are. The soul is the channel between our spirit and our body. 

Our soul is our consciousness, the core of who we are, our personality. I believe each person has their unique rhythm. We all march to the beat of our own drum in some way or another.

Our soul consists of our mind/intellect, will, and emotions. With it, we can think, remember, rationalize, choose, and make decisions. We experience emotions like joy, love, anger, and empathy. Because our soul influences our spirit and body, it plays an influential role in our wellness. We choose with our minds how to act, what to say, what to eat. These choices impact our entire being.

Thoughts (produced by our mind) - lead to Feelings – which leads to Actions – that cause Results/Outcomes.  If we are experiencing negative thoughts, we can renew our minds by ‘detoxing’ our thought life. We must clear out the negative energies that we have soaked up over the years. To do this, we have to acknowledge that negative thoughts masquerade as real issues. 

When the negative thought appears, we must stop it in its tracks.  Please do not give it the time of day. Recognize it for what it is and dismiss it. Allowing it to take root will create negative thought ‘weeds,’ and we know what happens when weeds take over a garden. Weeds suck up the nutrients from plants, and in this case, the negative thoughts take over, thereby leaving little to no room for our positive thoughts. 

Remember! You have a choice! Choose to replace that negative thought with a positive one.  It may not be easy at first, but the more you choose the positive over negative, the you’re your soul will be at peace.

March to the beat of your positive, upbeat, joy-filled drum!


Do You Love the Skin You’re In?


Introductory Blog