How my journey began

Yvonne D. Hendrick, a Certified Coach, was trained at the renowned Institute for Integrative Nutrition.  Yvonne earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology & Counseling. She received a Master’s in Counseling, and studied nutrition at American University. As a former, Personal Chef, Yvonne is passionate about cooking and nutrition.  She attends continued education classes and seminars in counseling, nutrition, meditation, mindfulness, and alternative wellness methods.

~ “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates.

My Purpose Began from My Own Healing Journey

I’ve always been the one – the person that people came to for advice. It was flattering, and wasn’t a problem at first, but over time, being the ‘go to’ person came with challenges. I was a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, the cook, the chauffeur, the housekeeper, the mechanic, the nurse, the accountant, the teacher…  I wore every ‘hat’ with a smile, until one day, both the inward and outward smiles disappeared.  I developed a disconnection from my mind and my body.  My spirit and heart were starving.  I was merely existing and doing for others, but with no purpose for Yvonne.

I desperately needed to put on my ‘oxygen mask’ before I could continue to help others!

Healing became my focus and these early challenges inspired me. I began truly looking inward, at myself, and my beliefs.  I had to remove the fake mask I’d been hiding behind for so long and embrace MY authentic life! One that is filled with love, healthy connections, peace, and unspeakable joy.  It is this deep internal work of healing that has become my life’s purpose.

You too deserve to live your Authentic Life!

Just like the lotus, we too have the ability to rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness, and radiate into the world.