Renewing Your Spirit

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut?

Do you feel like you need to restart/reboot?

Do you feel like your mistakes have caused so much damage that you see no way out?  Yes?  Then you are at the perfect place in life for a ‘restart/reboot’!  You can have a new beginning – a fresh start.  Begin by taking inventory of what’s essential in life to you.  What do you believe?  Where is your relationship with your ‘Higher Being’ (whom I call God and will refer to)?

When we get to this point, we are often trying to live this thing called life on our own, with no spiritual guidance.  We were not placed on this earth to figure it all out alone.  We have help if we so choose to seek it.  God allows ‘U-turns.’  I believe He gets excited when we realize that we need His help. 

God helps us to restart in the areas that we need them.  If you need a restart in parenting, your marriage, or career, He’s always willing to be consulted.  He has the perfect plan for every area of your life.

How may I restart, you ask?  You begin by restoring your faith and trust in God and all that He has created you to be and do.  Choose faith over fear.  Fear, as many before me have stated, is ‘F.E.A.R.’ = False Evidence Appearing Real.  Fear will overwhelm us if we allow it to.  However, faith will allow us to realize that God is good and only wants the best for us.  You may need a scripture to remind yourself - 2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Next, you begin to pray and meditate on the promises that God has made to you.  After that, you do your part by following the direction you feel you are to go.  Go in the direction of peace.  And finally, believe that everything is going to work out for your good. 

We all need a reboot/restart at some point or another.  If that’s you – start your engines!


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